bims: | Biomed news | open a report |
To open a report, write to Gavin as <>.
We need:
- A title of the report
- The title summarizes the topic of your report.
It should be as short as possible without being
cryptic. Put the most important words at the start. In that way
lazy users, who scan a list of titles, will have a better chance
to find your report.
- Some relevant papers
Search for papers that are relevant to your topic. Send us
the PubMed identifiers of these papers. We use them as
seed papers. The more seed papers we have, the better
your selection at the start will be. But you don’t have to make
this a lot of work for you. In general, we consider ten seed papers a
good start.
A password
This should be a very low-security password because—at this
time—it is transmitted in clear text over the Internet.
In addition, you can send us:
Your name
Gavin will use the name associated with the email.
But you may want another way to write your name. If you want
to stay anonymous, let Gavin know.
Your homepage
We will link to it if we have it.
Your affiliation
We will mention it if we have it.
The homepage of the institution you work for
We will make your affiliation a link to the institution if we have it.